Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How I Became Stupid

I was in KL about 2 weeks ago for an overnight trip, and I borrowed a book called "How I Became Stupid" from my friend Sharon. It was originally written in French by Martin Page and called "Comment Je Suis Devenu Stupide."

I was hooked from Page 1. It is a story about a scholar, Antoine, who wants to get rid of his intelligence. He speaks about how difficult it is to be smart, because you simply start thinking non-stop. You start worrying about the food you eat, the way you live your life (environmental enough or not), etc. You get the picture. The author asks if ignorance is indeed, bliss. Antoine tries everything, including becoming an alcoholic, but fails after he faints from drinking half a glass of beer. Then he tries to kill himself, and fails again. He does all sorts of things. I don't really understand the ending of the book, but I guess it was written the way it was so that you can interpret it yourself. I think he went bananas.


  1. Sounds interesting. I'm reading Dr. Randy Pausch's Last Lecture. Depressingly uplifting. Google him - I'm sure you'll love the book too.

    ps: hope you are feeling much better!

  2. Yes, it is. Ok, will look up the Last Lecture. And thanks, am ok now :)

  3. Hi, I found ur blog while googling "how i became stupid"
    I think this is amazing.... especially Page discribes Antoine and the world very creatively and clearly!
